Category Archives: Editing

Typos, Tpyos

NaNoBlogwhatever 4 of 30:

So you had a typo.

Yeah, we all have. Every now and then, I’ll catch one on my resume, for example–a tiny one, usually, and one I’ve looked at dozens of times, one that I would absolutely recognize as a mistake in any other context. Thing is, our brains try to help us out by categorizing, sorting, and reducing the world around us, and missing typos is just one of the outcomes.

I suppose that’s an argument for copy editors, though even the best will miss things here and there–and at the same time, it’s an acknowledgment that a typo, or tpyo, isn’t the worst thing ever. It’s just being human.

Here’s an article on Wired with more.

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Filed under Editing, Editors, Publishing, Writing

Revision Can Give You Grief

Via Mandy Schoen: A post about The Five Stages of Revision. It’s something that we don’t always talk about much, but revising, especially revising when you thought you were all done, can be tough! To say it with a lyric, give yourself time, love, and tenderness. Time to get some distance and get over the soul part of writing and back to the business part. Love: love for your story, and love for making it the best it possibly can be. And, finally, tenderness–do what you need to do to make it easier. Take a bath. Eat some chocolate. Dance to loud music. Then grin about how lucky you are and revise that puppy!

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Filed under Editing, Publishing, Writing